As some of you know, I’ve been battling Cushing’s Disease for the past several yeares. Yes, I know this is a CPAP/sleep disorders blog – but – my life is multi-faceted, [...]
With sleep apnea, it’s important to use your continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine and mask every night to maintain optimal health. But what if you’re going to be away from [...]
You’ve been diagnosed with sleep apnea, a condition where you stop repeatedly breathing for periods of time as you sleep. But really, how bad can it be? Many people think sleep apnea is a [...]
Congratulations! To treat your sleep apnea, you’ve been using your continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine and mask consistently–that’s an achievement! However, you’re just not getting [...]
You’ve done your sleep study and gotten your sleep apnea diagnosis, but you just can’t make it work with your new CPAP mask. As someone with sleep apnea, I know how frustrating this can [...]
I wanted to make this post so that I had somewhere to send people when they ask me the two most common questions that I get. Though I am not a medical provider or sleep tech and can’t [...]
What is your name? Lisa Where are you from? New Jersey Tell us about why you use CPAP and how you got diagnosed. I snore and I wake up tired and headachey. With the machine, I feel less tired. [...]
What is your name? Laurie Where are you from? Palm Desert, California Tell us about why you use CPAP and how you got diagnosed. I have severe sleep apnea. Had several sleep tests. Even after [...]
I filmed this with WebMD in the early spring! I am so proud of it. I had a great day shooting with the team and sharing my sleep apnea story <3 Click here to check it out! (If the link [...]
Please note: this post contains affiliate links! If you click on a link and purchase the product, I will get a small commission. I am pretty picky about the products that I recommend, so be [...]