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Hi Babes!

When I got diagnosed with sleep apnea, my insurance company was kind enough to tell me that they would rent my machine to me for three months, and then if I was in compliance, they would buy it for me.


This was great…until I complied 100% and was eligible for purchase…and my deductible reset!

This wonderful machine that had saved my life that I thought insurance was covering was $1,000 out of pocket!

Luckily I pulled it off, but lots of people are not so lucky. Whether it’s insurance troubles, no insurance, hard financial times…whatever, it can be hard to afford a CPAP machine.

Luckily, there are charities like Breathe California of the Bay Area who are able to help people out…

Here’s what they have to say:


“Breathe California of the Bay Area is the clean air and healthy lungs leader of the Bay Area and they work to provide low cost CPAP machines to those who are uninsured or cannot afford one. There is a high demand for CPAP machines so if anyone has CPAP machines they no longer use (must be 5 years or newer) and are willing to donate, it would be a huge help. Please contact Brianna at regarding donations. Thank you!”

I know that there are a lot of things that come up with machines – maybe you upgraded to a better model, or something happened where you no longer need your machine. (It happens! One instance that I can think of is people who have sleep apnea that is weight-related and then they lose weight.)

Please keep Breathe California of the Bay Area in mind for your CPAP Machine donations!

And thanks to them for all they do!

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