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What is your name?: Danger Mouse
Where are you from?: Reno
Tell us about why you use CPAP and how you got diagnosed.: My first DX for apnea was back in 2000 or 2001. I chose to ignore the findings even though they were as the study results said it was serious. Over the next several years I had completed 2 more studies with the same results. Yet again I ignored it. Over the last two years, I had begun to notice that I was having issues focusing and remembering simple things like where I put my keys or wallet. At first, it was believed that I had “GAD” AKA Generalized Anxiety Disorder and took a run of amfetamine based medications in conjunction with Lexapro which did help but I still wasn’t feeling quite right so I asked my physician to wean (you can’t go cold turkey on these types) me off the medications. Somewhere along the way, I heard that lack of sleep may have been contributing in what I was experiencing and I had never expected that to be a possibility and I had been snoring like a dragon for years! So, again, I had a sleep study and this time I made it a point to go to the follow-up appointment. I found out that in an hour’s time I was waking up 47 times. One of the more extreme cases that the Doctor I was seeing had ever seen. He said that I had a very narrow airway and that it would collapse during the night and I never reached REM sleep. Since I have started CPAP I now only rouse 3.5 times a a night. Bad is marked at 15 events a night and I was 47 times an hour!
What do you LOVE about CPAP treatment?: I have been on CPAP now for about 2 months and I have seen a huge improvement. I no longer want to take naps during the day. I have begun to lose body fat in places that I was struggling with before. My muscle mass is growing faster because I’m getting the proper amount of sleep for them to rebuild and I am doing really well in college classes. I am no longer misplacing my personal things, I remember events I made promises for, and I am just all around more focused. That is all in just 8 weeks. I am currently at 100% compliance and I plan to be that way the rest of my life. Even if I choose to take a nap on those rare Sunday afternoons (which is almost never) I use it.
Any advice for other CPAP Babes?: I know it may be hard at first, the key is setting a goal that YOU ARE going to use the machine every single night for the rest of your life is the most important. THIS THING WILL SAVE YOUR LIFE. Just remember, this isn’t a game anymore, it’s your health that you are putting at risk. if you are not using it.
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